The Value of Membership

No experience required. Much of our efforts are focused on investor development opportunities and investor networking. However, members do need to meet accredited investor thresholds, which can be found here.

The benefits we bring to members include:

  • Monthly meetings at which companies present to our members for prospective investment

  • Access to due diligence on companies

  • Ability to leverage term sheet negotiation and legal document preparation

  • Continuing education regarding early-stage investing through investor development programming

  • Ability to become meaningfully involved in companies beyond just making an investment

  • Opportunities for networking with other Ark Angel members

In terms of expectations we have for our members, we generally want you to be engaged in as many ways as you feel comfortable. A highly engaged group of members obviously makes us stronger, which increases the benefits to all stakeholders. Your engagement can include one or more of the following:

  • Attend a majority of monthly member meetings

  • Serve on a committee (either Investment or Education) or on the Board of Directors

  • Participate in company due diligence

  • Host a general membership meeting at your office or place of work

  • Invest at least $20,000 among presenting companies over the course of a year

  • Help to identify and recruit companies to present for prospective investment

  • Help to identify and recruit new Ark Angel members

  • Collaborate with other Ark Angel members, offer to facilitate introductions, and generally contribute to the camaraderie of our network

Individual Membership

Individual members pay dues of $2,000 annually and receive all of the membership benefits listed. You and your spouse will have access to all of our meetings and activities, as well as access to company and member information through your own unique account.

Group Membership

Group members pay dues of $4,000 annually and receive all of the membership benefits listed. Group memberships include participation from four individuals representing your organization, each of whom will have unique accounts.


Join The Network